The Arbalest
April 13, 2016 · Scruffy City Hall · 8:00 p.m.
Winner of the 2016 SXSW Grand Jury Prize
Foster Kalt, a famous toy inventor in the 1970s, reflects on his lifelong obsession with Sylvia Frank. From his first meeting with Sylvia in a New York Hotel Room in 1968, to years later when he is stalking her from a cabin in the woods, the puzzle pieces of Kalt’s obsession come together to form his latest, shocking invention.
“Few movies exist independently and freely, moment to moment, emblazoned with the act of spontaneous creation, as does The Arbalest.” — Richard Brody, The New Yorker
About the Filmmaker
Adam Pinney has been working in the film and television industry for 13 years. He is part of the Atlanta film collective Fake Wood Wallpaper, and has worked as a writer/DP/editor on various feature films. Recent credits include cinematographer on Adult Swim’s Too Many Cooks, Joe Swanberg’s 24 Exposures and Alex Orr’s A is for Alex.